
"The Insanity of Public Opinion"

What does it matter what people think?

MP3 Format
Downloaded: 5 time(s) since 2/26/2012
Length: 35:21 minutes / Size: 8.09 MB
Speaker: Joseph Kostelnik, Ph.D.

Recording: #1860
Recorded: 4/13/2003
Notice: Due to this being a transfer from audio cassette, the message may cut off before the end due to the master cassette's length constraints.
Scripture Text(s): Matthew 21:7and brought the donkey and the colt, and laid their clothes on them; and he sat on them. (Matthew 21:7, World English Bible [WEB])
Keywords: public opinion, insanity, street preaching, witnessing, judgement, self-image, weaknesses, strengths, double life, hipocrosy, praise, criticism, Lordship, servanthood

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public opinion, insanity, street preaching, witnessing, judgement, self-image, weaknesses, strengths, double life, hipocrosy, praise, criticism, Lordship, servanthood, public opinion, insanity, street preaching, witnessing, judgement, self-image, weaknesses, strengths, double life, hipocrosy, praise, criticism, Lordship, servanthood, public opinion, insanity, street preaching, witnessing, judgement, self-image, weaknesses, strengths, double life, hipocrosy, praise, criticism, Lordship, servanthood